Friday, May 1, 2015

Rookie Feature : Gabriella from Crumbly baked goods


Welcome to the first ever ROOKIE FEATURE. 
In this close and personal interviews we will find out why and what the twenty-something creative rebels are doing. Where they are headed and the amazing journey they have taken to get to fulfill and explore some of their most amazing hidden talents and how some have taken their hobbies to the next level and created a creative outlet for themselves. 

In this feature i was able to sit down with Gabriela Chabolla owner and creative director of the cutest brand of sweets you'll ever come across, Crumbly Baked godos in Austin, Texas.

Age : 25 
From : Saltillo Coahuila, Mexico
Profession : Advertising. UT graduate. 

Gabriela has been a baking enthusiast for about 8 years but in recent months she has found an incredible creative outlet and a way to make a path for herself in the creative world. 
I wondered what makes an advertising professional from a renouned university lean towards starting a business in baking.  She says " I am fascinated by pastries, the art I make in each cookie will be appreciated and gone in a minute. " The art she makes indeed will not be hung up in a wall and be appreciated for years, it will be devoured in a second, however there is a lot of beauty in that, specially when such intricate detail comes into play. 
Gabriela explaining the process of designing a portrait cookie.

The process:
How does someone with a full time job manage to run a business on her "free" time? Aren't we all living for the day we graduate college so we can gain our life back? Isnt the norm to Clock in and out and maybe go to happy hour?  Well as I'm asking all this questions to Gabriella she chuckles and says " I work 60 hrs a week in my "real" job and since i have very little free time i have learned to work in steps." She says she first focused on getting the recipe for her treats consistent and delicious. The design part is the most exciting part of her new endeavor and what she spends more time on.  It took her  7-8 months and a lot of mistakes just to figure out what she was actually doing. Once that stage was passed and people were ordering treats galore, she knew she was in business.  

What inspired you?

In the topic of inspiration Gabriela like most of my creative friends spoke with a lot of passion about what drives her work. 
"I love design and branding it pushes me to create something great and put it out there" 
The design part which she is obviously great at is a main part of her project, but branding is just as important to her. She believes the web design, business cards and instagram presentation is all a collaborate effort to showcase who you are. She is working always on evolving that brand into something people can recognize and stand out from the rest. 

What would you say to the creative that is trying to find their path?

"I am still searching for where I'm  meant to be or where my talents fit in, i feel we all are and its okay. Challenges make your brain work and it keeps you check. Keep experimenting, the road is challenging and blurry at times but you can take small steps to make something different every day. Smalls steps can lead to a great discovery."

It was truly inspiring to sit and talk to someone like Gabriela, she has a passion for design and has a very particular way of expressing her talets.  Her retro chic style  really makes her seem genuine, definately the person you want to have cater your next brunch. 

We are all in this journey and it might not be dictated by the graduation date, the major you chose or the first job you ever had. It is time to really learn to applaud those who don't settle, those who don't live by a manual and take a leap of faith in the creative world. 

To know more about Gabriella follow her on
 Instagram : Crumblybakes
 +  Facebook: Crumblybakedgoods

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